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We support people who are like executives living in NYC!  You may be awesome at excuses not to make a move to do what you truly want to achieve.  We use some Zen Meditation (based on the fact that the coach is Japanese;) methods to run with you towards your goals, small or big.  We support people who cannot follow the seminar or curriculum they signed up for or the work project that they were assigned.  We ensure everything is on time together with our unique 1 on 1 method. Please, listen up quitters, it wasn't your fault, you just needed a coach you deserve. 

Our Services

NY Style Coaching Menu

Standard NY Style Coaching

  • 3 months ( 12 sessions )

  • 60-90 minutes/session

  • Daily report for progress and mindset,  just a sentence or 2

  • Program based on psychology and laws of attraction.

  • Zoom

Executive NY Style Coaching

  • 6 months ( 12 sessions )

  • 60-90 minutes/session

  • Daily report for progress and mindset,  just a sentence or 2

  • Program based on psychology and laws of attraction.

  • Zoom

NY Style Coaching + Zen Guided Meditations 

  • 6 months ( 12 sessions Coaching sessions + 5 Guided Meditations )

  • 60-90 minutes/Coach session

  • 90-120 minutes/Guided Meditation session

  • Daily report for progress and mindset,  just a sentence or 2

  • Program based on psychology, laws of attraction, and overwriting subconscious mind (mindset)

  • Zoom


“I lost 11 lbs in 3 months!”
Weight is and was always the issue in my life up to my mid-30s  and I was feeling so negative about dieting. I had experienced weight loss in the past though it was a hard experience with rebounds.  This coach is a psychologist and told me that motivation is the key even when the results or actions are the same; this meant that I'd rather lose weight because I wanted to be beautiful rather than avoiding to get fat and unattractive. It was a turning point for me to shift my energy.  It was the first time in my life that diet became a positive experience. After the awareness,  I never negatively think of weight management.  I could stick to the strategy because there was hands-on support from the coach, that is why I didn't quit or derail like I did in the past...  I feel more confident now because of the achievement.  I am still losing weight after 3 months. Those routines, strategies and spirits have stayed in me and keep me going.  I am actually much happier now because I don't have to think about weight and eating habits in very negative way any more.  

M.E. in New York

Ready to find out more?

Our coaching sessions are based on psychology and the Laws of Attraction with the essence of the Zen Meditation style.  We mixed good elements to maximize the effects of the coaching! Whatever works the best that we want to offer!  The concept is that someone will encourage you and watch you achieve for 3 months.  That is the reason why you can move forward for better! 

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